Is Bondage Safe For Beginners?

Bondage can be a fun and enticing first step into the realm of BDSM and all the wonders that this kinky world has to offer. 


Just how safe is bondage for beginners? 

Bondage is safe for beginners if you use the right equipment and adhere to safety protocols such as a safe word and exploring light bondage prior to jumping in at the deep end. 

As a beginner, you may not be sure whether to use the old scarf in the back of your wardrobe or those fluffy pink cuffs you’ve seen online. Well, never fear! We have come up with a little list to help you on your bondage journey in terms of how best to get started, and more importantly, how to do so safely. 


Picking your material or bondage method of choice 

When it comes to picking a material or a specific bondage item, you can go for a few options. From ropes, tape (great for bondage beginners), cuffs, and maybe even cable ties, you can use an array of things to restrain and pleasure your lover.

The material can be one of the most influential options. You don’t want to go for a silky tie because the knots will fall apart, but with something more hardcore like a cable tie, you have to be careful that you don’t restrain them too tight. There mustn’t be any areas of discomfort for your lover. 


Give yourself enough rope!

Although an analogy, it’s true! Depending on what kind of bondage play you are looking into, you will come across different material sizes. So if you want to start slowly with a bit of wrist and ankle bondage, a shorter, thinner rope or other material will be more than sufficient. 

But suppose you are looking into being a little bit more adventurous and looking into the more elaborate bondage styles. In that case, you will need a hell of a lot more rope (or material of your choosing) not only to execute the bondage correctly but to give yourself plenty of fabric, so you don’t have to limit yourself to one style of bondage play.


Cutting Them Free

Being a beginner to bondage, you will likely make mistakes or not quite get the knotting technique right. When this happens, it could mean your partner is uncomfortable or not bonded correctly, meaning you will need to cut your lover free. 

When cutting them free, using small safe scissors that can cut through any materials are the safest option but be careful when cutting near the skin not to hurt your partner. 


Safe Word 

Communication is vital when getting into bondage. Ask your lover if the restraints are too tight or uncomfortable, and make sure they do not rub or cut into their skin. Bondage should have at least one or two fingers width gap between skin and restraint, be aware of joint areas and major organs, and use a square type knot for easy release. 

As a beginner, don’t try to do too much too quick, for example, using ceiling or wall restraints. We suggest learning the basics first and doing the correct practice and research before trying anything too extreme. 

Trust is key to bondage play, and making your lover feel safe throughout is massive. Don’t ever leave them in a compromised position for long periods, and make sure you both have a safe word ready if any of you want to stop at any point.

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